



高中先修课程是大学理事会的课程 这使得高中生可以学习大学水平的课程. 本课程帮助学生为他们的学院或大学课程做准备. 

SPS高中在全区范围内提供各种先修课程. 在下一页, 你可以在这里找到11所综合高中提供的2023-24年AP课程列表. AP课程每年都会根据人员配备和学生入学情况而变化.

注:Chief Sealth和英格拉高中是国际文凭(IB)学校, 所以他们提供更少的AP课程. 雷尼尔山海滩 高中 is also an International Baccalaureate (IB) school 和 does not offer AP courses. 阅读更多关于IB的信息. 

有关正规买足球的AppAP课程的更多信息,请访问 先修课程网页.  

2023-24 AP考试时间表和报名


SPS将在5月20日至24日的大学理事会AP考试窗口期间管理AP考试, 2024. 的se exams will only be administered for SPS students who were already registered for an exam but could not take the exam during the regular testing window for medical reasons or due to scheduling conflicts.

5月19日之后,该地区无法接受任何迟来的AP测试请求. Graduating seniors are encouraged to work with the College Board directly for identifying alternate options for AP exams after May 19th. All other students are encouraged to consider taking the AP exams next year if they are unable to take an exam by May 24, 2024.


参加AP考试并提供住宿, a student must be approved for each accommodation by the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. Each student must work with their high school’s AP or SSD Coordinator to ensure their request for accommodations has been accurately submitted by the College Board deadline of 2002年1月18日4. 请访问美国大学理事会的网站了解更多关于美国大学理事会的信息 为AP考试申请住宿的不同方式 给你的学生.

请注意,如果学生之前已被批准住宿的任何 其他大学理事会考试 (e.g. PSAT/SAT, CLEP等.), then the student automatically qualifies for the same accommodation for all AP exams 和 no further action is required.

如果学生最近有资格申请新的住宿, a request must be submitted by the family or the high school’s SSD Coordinator to the College Board no later than 2024年1月18日.



的 2024 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams will be administered in schools as paper-和-pencil* exams over two weeks in May: May 6-10 和 May 13-17, 2024.

*像往常一样,AP中文和AP日语考试在学校电脑上进行. 2024年将没有其他数字或家庭测试选择.

详情请访问美国大学理事会网站 2024年5月AP考试时间表.

高度鼓励AP测试,但不是必需的. 根据大学理事会, AP课程提供了在大学水平深入学习一个学科的机会. 这能更好地为学生的大学学业做准备. 如果学生在AP考试中获得足够高的分数, 该学生可能有资格获得学分, 跳级, 或者在美国的大多数学院和大学都是这样.



Seattle Public School (SPS) students who wish to take AP exams at their high school must register to take the exam(s) by the 全区AP注册 & 缴费截止日期 星期一,2023年11月6日.

美国大学理事会(College Board)将所有AP考试的全国截止日期设定为2023年11月15日. In order for the SPS AP Coordinators to complete the process for ordering all AP exams by this national deadline, 学区需要在周一之前完成所有学生的注册和费用, 11月6日, 2023. 的 only exception made for late registration is for new students from another district that enter mid-year. 

Students who are enrolled in a yearlong AP class at SPS will not be allowed to take the test for that AP course at SPS if they are not registered for that exam by 星期一,2023年11月6日

AP exam registrations that are not paid for (or have no payment arrangements made) by the exam order deadline date of November 15, 2023年考试将被取消,也不会安排考试.


  • SPS学生需要在线加入他们的AP课程部分.
  • 点击 注册 按钮 在您加入您的课程分组后,在我的AP中查看.
    • 单击此按钮将让您的协调员知道您计划参加考试, 他们会帮你点的.
    • 如果你没有看到那个按钮,说明你已经 已自动注册 为了考试.
  • 一旦你选择报名参加考试, 你考试的日期和时间会出现在你的课程卡上. 你可以查看考试时间表 和 talk with your AP coordinator if you have any questions about the start time 为了考试(s) you’re scheduled to take.
  • 对于希望参加高中不提供考试的学生, 请向他们的AP协调员发送查询.
    • AP地区办公室将与SPS合作高中合作,为您注册参加考试, 请查看您的电子邮件以获取更多详细信息和表格.
    • 如果16所SPS学校没有开设考试科目, AP地区办事处将提供额外的资源来注册AP考试.

问题? 请联系您学校的AP协调员


2023年11月6日(下午5点.m. PT) This is the final ordering deadline for all SPS students to register for an AP exam for first semester 和 yearlong AP courses.


  • 2023年11月6日之后将不允许注册 第一学期和一年的AP课程.
  • 所有未使用或取消的AP考试将产生每次考试40美元的费用. (请注意这是大学理事会在2023- 2024年恢复的一项政策, 而不是正规买足球的App的政策.) 


  • 每次考试118美元
  • $20 per exam for students eligible to receive an exam fee reduction or waiver for the 2023-24 school year. Students who are eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch should work with their school’s AP Coordinator to receive an exam fee reduction or waiver for 2023-24.
  • AP顶点课程(AP研讨会或AP研究)每门考试166美元


  • $1.每笔95美元,所有交易15美元.00 to $49.99
  • 3.对于所有大于或等于50美元的交易,支付发票总额的99%.00



Families of out-of-district or homeschooled students interested in registering for an AP exam in 2023-24 should should complete the 区外学生AP考试申请. 在收据, the SPS Assessment 和 Instructional Improvement staff will contact you within three business days.


Students who are unable to take the AP exam(s) after their exam has been ordered for any reason are eligible for a partial refund of $78 per exam.

Students only receive a partial refund because of the fees that the College Board charges for all changes to exam orders after November 15, 2023, 和 the administrative fee that 正规买足球的App charges to administer the exams districtwide.

的 AP Coordinator at your school will work to refund the $78 per exam for any unused AP exams through SchoolPay following the completion of AP exam administration at your school.

Families can expect refunds between June 1st-June 25th, 2024 but the timing may vary at each school. 请 note that processing refunds is quickest for credit card payments 和 will post within 1-3 days after the refund process is initiated at your school. Any AP exams that were paid for with cash or check will require several additional weeks of processing time for a refund.



对现有AP考试订单进行任何更改的最终国家和SPS截止日期是 2002年3月15日4、包括取消AP考试订单.

的 AP Coordinator at your school will work to refund the $78 per exam for any unused AP exams through SchoolPay following the completion of AP exam administration at your school.

此时此刻, the district is at capacity for AP testing 和 can no longer accommodate new AP exam order requests. 请 联系大学理事会 获取额外的资源,如果你在这一点上需要支持你的AP考试订单.


错过了SPS AP考试注册和付款截止日期的学生的选择

选项1 -如果是9年级的学生, 10年级或11年级错过了AP考试报名截止日期, 学生可以选择参加明年的AP考试.  

选项2 大学理事会为学生提供了一个大学先修课程的电话号码 & 可能会有帮助的家庭.  的y are usually able to offer students 和 families a current list of smaller districts or private schools that may have the capacity to offer late registrations. 

College Board AP Help Line for Students 和 Families is available via Phone at 888-225-5427 和 the 学生AP服务联系表格.


今年, 正规买足球的App will not offer AP exams for AP courses that are not taught at one of the district’s high schools. This will ensure that all district resources are equitably allocated for students who are enrolled in or taking an AP exam for an 该地区已经开设了AP课程.

Students 和 families are encouraged to explore one of the alternate options listed below for AP exams not currently administered at one of the SPS high schools.

选项1: 看看这个 大学理事会的美联社分类帐,该网站提供了全国学校开设的AP课程列表. 搜索 for a neighboring school that offers the AP course of your interest 和 directly contact their AP Coordinator for help with registration next steps.

选项2: 通过美国大学理事会的大学水平考试计划(CLEP). 根据大学理事会的网站,CLEP提供34种考试,涵盖大学入门级课程材料. 通过一次CLEP考试,你可以获得三个或更多的大学学分.S. 大专院校.“找一个本地人 CLEP考试中心报名参加即将到来的学年的考试.  

选项3: 考虑报名参加双学分课程 在高中读大学或开始跑步 在该地区开设的课程,完成课程后可获得大学学分. 学生应该联系他们的高中辅导员了解更多关于这些选择的信息.